8' Green Erosion Blankets
Curlex excelsior blankets are specifically designed to actually promote ideal growing conditions for grass seed,
while simultaneously protecting topsoil from wind and water erosion. Curlex excelsior blankets have long passed the
test of time. By design, Curlex blankets have a built-in swell factor - wet curled excelsior fibers sightly expand in
thickness and interlock to form a strong, fiber matrix. This allows the fibers to provide intimate contact with local
terrain. Water flow is trained to follow the curled fiber matrix. The roughness of the curled excelsior matrix slows the
velocity to a point where gravity takes over, which allows moisture to slowly seep into the topsoil to promote ideal
growing conditions.
Size: 4' x 112.5'
Typical Applications
Highway embankments, ditch bottoms and slopes, bridges, approaches and medians
Residential, commercial, & industrial developments
Urban drainage, stream banks, and waterways
Golf course fairways, roughs, waterways, & drop structures
Landfill caps, side slopes, and let down structures
Pipeline right-of-ways